
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.



Demographics and Rates

6 minute read


In which I am nerd-sniped by the Atlantic and devise a cute semi-Bayesian puzzle with, perhaps, deeper implications.

Bike Power and Hills

10 minute read


Nerding out about bikes…likely not for the last time.

Don’t finish that!

5 minute read


More philosophizing! This time about time management.

Why Hello There…

less than 1 minute read


Hi there! I thought I’d start using the blog feature to share my thoughts and/or cool little side projects I take on for fun. This post is really just a placeholder commemorating the fact that I figured out how to turn the blog option back on for the site template. Look forward to some actual content hitting this space soon!



Science and QR Tutor

Tutoring, Yale University, Dean's Office, 2011

I served as a Science and QR (quantitative reasoning) tutor through the Yale Dean’s office. Students who were struggling in their classes could apply for a tutor and I would meet with them one-on-one and help them learn material and work on their homework. I tutored for a variety of classes including calculus and introductory physics.

MIT 3.23

TA, MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 2018

I served as a teaching assistant to the first-year graduate course 3.23: Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Materials, taught by Prof. Geoffrey Beach, and won both the college- and university-level graduate student teaching awards for this service. Responsibilities included writing problem sets and solutions, giving recitation lectures, and holding office hours and exam review sessions.

Future Faculty Program

Teaching Preparation, Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation, Carnegie Mellon University, 2020

“The Future Faculty Program helps graduate students develop and document their teaching skills in preparation for a faculty career. Participants in this program learn the principles of effective course design and pedagogy through our seminars, receive feedback on their teaching through teaching feedback consultations, and apply what they have learned in completing a course & syllabus design project and a statement of teaching philosophy project.”

27-100: Engineering the Materials of the Future

Instructor, Carnegie Mellon Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 2023

CMU’s first-year undergraduate introductory MSE course. I undertook a substantial redesign of the curriculum to have three units focusing on structure, properties, and processing of materials rather than the more standard metallurgy-focused approach.

27-210: Materials Engineering Essentials

Instructor, Carnegie Mellon Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 2023

I co-taught our sophomore professional skills class, teaching the half of the course focused on engineering computation in MATLAB.

27-100: Engineering the Materials of the Future

Instructor, Carnegie Mellon Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 2025

In my second round of teaching this course, I’ve been working to add computational components to several of the lab exercises, including piloting a fully computational lab exercise with the support of the MolSSI ACT-CMS Faculty Fellowship!